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[마감]Airport Pickup Volunteer Needed

Volunteer needed on January 3rd to meet an adoptee at Incheon International Airport around 5pm and accompany her to Yonhuidong.

Please reply below if you are available, thank you!

  1. 현준 곽 on date 2012-12-21 18:45
    I'm available. I'll do it.

  2. 건식 박 on date 2012-12-24 11:54

InKAS - International Korean Adoptee Service Inc | 전화번호: +82-2-3148-0258 | 팩스: +82-2-3148-0259
03009 서울특별시 구로구 경인로 662, 디큐브시티 오피스동 15F, InKAS